I am not, nor do I claim to be, an "expert" on betta splendens care. I am not a professional aquarist nor a veterinarian. This website is for the distribution of my collective, informed knowledge about how to care for betta splendens.
All information on disease, care, and habitats is used at the reader's own risk. There is no guarantee any cures, products, etc. will assuredly work for them. Please know that all cases are different and some methods of care and treatment may not work for every situation.
Information listed on this site in any form has been researched to the best of my ability and knowledge.
All photos used on this site in headers, and under the "Photos!" tab, or found in any gallery-style set-up have been used with the express permission of their original owners. These photos have been graciously offered to myself and this site and proper credit may be found under the "Thank You!" tab.
Any photos not used in the manner above found in articles are not claimed as my own and are the property of their original owners.
Photos from the gallery-style set-ups, as well as my personal photos, are not to be used or distributed without permission.
Bettasplendid is working to become an entirely self-sufficient site in terms of photos; that is, one without photos from an outside source/stock site.
All information on disease, care, and habitats is used at the reader's own risk. There is no guarantee any cures, products, etc. will assuredly work for them. Please know that all cases are different and some methods of care and treatment may not work for every situation.
Information listed on this site in any form has been researched to the best of my ability and knowledge.
All photos used on this site in headers, and under the "Photos!" tab, or found in any gallery-style set-up have been used with the express permission of their original owners. These photos have been graciously offered to myself and this site and proper credit may be found under the "Thank You!" tab.
Any photos not used in the manner above found in articles are not claimed as my own and are the property of their original owners.
Photos from the gallery-style set-ups, as well as my personal photos, are not to be used or distributed without permission.
Bettasplendid is working to become an entirely self-sufficient site in terms of photos; that is, one without photos from an outside source/stock site.
Do I make a profit off of this site?:
No, I make absolutely zero profit off of this site. I have no ads and am not a paid blogger with any affiliation to any company, website, etc. Your visit pays me in pride, not money!
No, I make absolutely zero profit off of this site. I have no ads and am not a paid blogger with any affiliation to any company, website, etc. Your visit pays me in pride, not money!