Please stand by as this page is updated!
This is a page to show case and use my own personal tanks as a model for what I use for my fish and to show I practice what I preach! :)
A photo gallery of all my tank set-ups is in development in the Habitats section. The newest have a few words and specs about them.
A photo gallery of all my tank set-ups is in development in the Habitats section. The newest have a few words and specs about them.

Tank: Petco 6.6 gallon Bookshelf
Lighting: 6500K Red Spec. on from 1:30pm-9:30pm (for now)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: <10
Temp: 75-80'F
Other specs:
Filtration: Simple and cruddy DIY sponge
Marineland 10w heater
Eco Complete with no cap
Ferts: Not dosed
Plants: Narrow leaf chain sword, peacock moss all over, java moss, anubias, water sprite, java fern, suesswassertang, pennywort, moenywort, Marimo Ball, frogbit
Inhabitants: Mister and Cheddar, olive nerite, malaysian trumpet snails, handful of bladder snails
Oh, this poor tank. It was once so beautiful... and then some jerk sold me plants infested with BBA and I had no idea, so even after a bleach dip when I went on vacation, I came back to a tank that was crippled with nasty BBA. Tossed a huge amount of plants and am honestly just letting it do what it wants. No scape, very young plants and super low tech. The boys enjoy it and relish the moss- they sleep in it every single night.
Lighting: 6500K Red Spec. on from 1:30pm-9:30pm (for now)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: <10
Temp: 75-80'F
Other specs:
Filtration: Simple and cruddy DIY sponge
Marineland 10w heater
Eco Complete with no cap
Ferts: Not dosed
Plants: Narrow leaf chain sword, peacock moss all over, java moss, anubias, water sprite, java fern, suesswassertang, pennywort, moenywort, Marimo Ball, frogbit
Inhabitants: Mister and Cheddar, olive nerite, malaysian trumpet snails, handful of bladder snails
Oh, this poor tank. It was once so beautiful... and then some jerk sold me plants infested with BBA and I had no idea, so even after a bleach dip when I went on vacation, I came back to a tank that was crippled with nasty BBA. Tossed a huge amount of plants and am honestly just letting it do what it wants. No scape, very young plants and super low tech. The boys enjoy it and relish the moss- they sleep in it every single night.
"Test" Tank- 5.5g, 7/1/12 (out of commission)

Tank: 5.5g Tetra Standard
Lighting: 6500K Daylight 9hr/day
pH: From 7.5 to 6.6 to 8.3...sigh.
Ammonia: 0-.25ppm
Temp: Variable- 74-80'F
Other Specs:
Filtration: DIY Sponge
Potting Soil with sand cap
Ferts: Not yet dosed
cO2: Natural but soon to be fermented
Plants: Crypt Wendtii, Ludwigia Red, Rotala, Java moss, Peacock Moss, Java Fern, Pennywort, Corkscrew Vals, Tiger Lily, Dwarf Onion, Ludwigia sp. Iforgot, frogbit
A few tagalong ramshorn snails, MTS. Possibly a female betta if I can manage it ,or a few shrimp and later Cheddar.
We figured we'd need a summer project to keep us busy, so we tried a natural/walstad tank with a soil and sand cap. It's been working out alright for us but it's frustrating to have the plants melt (as expected) and for them to have BBA, especially when we bought the Wendtii with severe tufts! The heat has been murder on the plants (save the moss and Red Ludwigia) and melt has been horrible even without a heater. Hopefully now that we've trimmed and trimmed, even though it's not the best looking yet, things will begin to just start growin' again!!!
Tank is still figuring itself out... Yikes!
Photo progression before melt/heat die-off below, newest to left:
Lighting: 6500K Daylight 9hr/day
pH: From 7.5 to 6.6 to 8.3...sigh.
Ammonia: 0-.25ppm
Temp: Variable- 74-80'F
Other Specs:
Filtration: DIY Sponge
Potting Soil with sand cap
Ferts: Not yet dosed
cO2: Natural but soon to be fermented
Plants: Crypt Wendtii, Ludwigia Red, Rotala, Java moss, Peacock Moss, Java Fern, Pennywort, Corkscrew Vals, Tiger Lily, Dwarf Onion, Ludwigia sp. Iforgot, frogbit
A few tagalong ramshorn snails, MTS. Possibly a female betta if I can manage it ,or a few shrimp and later Cheddar.
We figured we'd need a summer project to keep us busy, so we tried a natural/walstad tank with a soil and sand cap. It's been working out alright for us but it's frustrating to have the plants melt (as expected) and for them to have BBA, especially when we bought the Wendtii with severe tufts! The heat has been murder on the plants (save the moss and Red Ludwigia) and melt has been horrible even without a heater. Hopefully now that we've trimmed and trimmed, even though it's not the best looking yet, things will begin to just start growin' again!!!
Tank is still figuring itself out... Yikes!
Photo progression before melt/heat die-off below, newest to left: