Woohoo! We have a blog, people! It is here that I will be posting updates about site traffic, new articles, Blurbs (short articles not posted where articles are) and everything else going on at Betta Splendid! ♥
Some exciting things going on at Betta Splendid:
Finrot 101 is coming to the disease section! It will be a basic reference for finrot; how to recognize, how to treat and how to prevent. If you are from bettafish.com and have photos of advanced fin rot you took and would like to contribute, please private message me (Pewpewpew) or email me!
Fish-in Cycling quick guide is coming under Habitats soon! This will be a guide that is more in-depth than most guides, including when and how much to do for water changes, what you need to test the water, and how to make sure your fish is safe! Very exciting! :D
General Q&A questions asked by bettafish.com members will be answered! Thank you to all who asked questions, I hope to get to all of them quickly. ♥ This will also be posted to bettafish.com once there is enough questions posted. This will be an ongoing project, and new questions and answers will be posted first on the blog!
BettaSplendid is on Facebook! Check out the fan page of this site on facebook! There are "like" buttons on many pages where you can become a fan, or you can click here! There will be posts similar to this blog about updates, new features, etc. If you like this site, become a fan! This is a great way to leave feedback about what you want from this site! :D
Some recent site changes and updates:
We've got guides! The Easy Care Plant Guide is up and in the Habitats section. Your Betta- Day One!, a guide to your first days and prep to betta keeping, is up in the Care section.
Photos, graciously used with permission from bettafish.com members and friends, are located in the Photos! section. If you have allowed a photo to be posted, please look under the Thank you! tab to check you've been credited with your desired name. If you wish to have a different name than what is posted, please contact me via bettafish.com or email me.
Please check out the Your Imput section, the polls and forms located there help me better understand who is visiting this site and what they're looking to get out of the site. This is a great way to help me help you! :D
You can also contact me via the emails located in the Contact section with concerns, complaints or suggestions for the site. I will do my best to accommodate all emails. Please use the correct email address when contacting me to help me get to you fastest!
And finally, a big thank you to:
♥ All friends and fellow members of bettafish.com who have granted permission to use their beautiful pictures. I really appreciate your help and absolutely love them! ♥
♥ Nippyfish.net, who kindly allowed a link to their fantastic betta site! Please check this site out, its one of my favorites! ♥
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