As some of you may know, I'm horrible about updating this site. I usually only am able to while on holiday from college, which is only once or twice in a year.
Well... It's that time of year again! I plan to add a number of things to the site and try and give it a fresh new face, considering many guides and posts are quite old and need a boost.
No promises on what's coming (because even I don't know!!) but I hope you enjoy everything and continue to be great betta fans!
Thanks again to everyone for helping bettasplendid reach 100,000+ hits! You've made my little side project bloom from something I never once thought people would read into a top-ish hitting page on Google! That's lovely. I hope it can continue to rise and spread good, correct information in a sea of cruddy pages.
Love ya!! c : <3
In the works:
Well... It's that time of year again! I plan to add a number of things to the site and try and give it a fresh new face, considering many guides and posts are quite old and need a boost.
No promises on what's coming (because even I don't know!!) but I hope you enjoy everything and continue to be great betta fans!
Thanks again to everyone for helping bettasplendid reach 100,000+ hits! You've made my little side project bloom from something I never once thought people would read into a top-ish hitting page on Google! That's lovely. I hope it can continue to rise and spread good, correct information in a sea of cruddy pages.
Love ya!! c : <3
In the works:
- Much-need revamp of the Day One guide
- Migration of how to make a divider post from tumblr
- More photos
- General re-vamps
- New header photos
- The Re-institution of BettaSplendid's facebook page is All set! "Like" us here!
- We're now on Twitter! Follow us here!
- How to do a salt dip (updated and finally published from 2012!!)